Daniela Greco

Pastry Chef teacher

For many people, it is known as Dadra. She was born in 1972. She started to study law but soon decided to stop it because she wanted to dedicate full-time to cooking and pastry, starting her career at “La città del gusto”, the cooking school of “Il Gambero Rosso”, as a pastry teacher in basic and advanced amateur courses,  and professional ones.

In 2015 she took part in the “Il Campanile” challenge, a competition among regional chefs with “La prova del Cuoco”, the most famous cooking show on Rai1. In autumn 2016 she started to work for Myda Cooking School, as a pastry teacher, making her first appearance during the Open Day of that academic year.

She does not only work as a pastry teacher (classical and modern) in Myda, but also works in the sector of banquets and in ““Sicilià – cibo e cultura”, her culinary association.