It is possible to cultivate the passion for cooking since childhood.
Monothematic workshops dedicated to children, where they learn how to use kitchen utensils, experiment new ingredients and start to know food.
Cooking can be an occasion for children to develop manual skills but also self-esteem and curiosity in a friendly atmosphere.
Moreover, Myda Cooking School organizes “Mani in pasta party”, a party where cooking turns into a game.
Using flour and rolling pin, children will cook their own snack with the birthday girl/boy and they will eat it all together. (For a limited number of participants).
Course Type: Workshop for children
Available Days: Working days
Timetable: from 16:00 to 18:00
Future editions: 24 October 2019; 12 December 2019; 16 January 2020; 13 February 2020; 19 March 2020; 9 April 2020.
Students per class: max 10
Training hours: Max 12 hours
Duration of the course: A lesson per month
Teaching chefs: Elisa Catania; Loredana Crisafi.